Houston is the largest city in Texas and one of the fastest-growing cities in the United States. Houstonians spend a lot of time on the roads and, unfortunately, get into a lot of car accidents. Our city leads the state in both traffic accidents and fatalities. Bigger is not better when it comes to car accidents, and the City of Houston is committed to reducing serious car accident injuries and fatal accidents within its limits. Let’s examine Houston car accident statistics, the factors that contribute to them, and how Houston is working to reduce these incidents on our streets and highways.
Houston Has More Car Accidents Than Any Other City in Texas
Houston has more than twice as many annual traffic accidents as runner-up Dallas without having twice as many residents. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) reported there were 67,644 motor vehicle crashes in Houston in 2023 (Dallas had 31,678). In those accidents, 290 people died, and 1,612 were seriously injured.
Why are so many accidents occurring? Speed and distraction are the primary reasons by a considerable margin according to TxDOT. This negligence can be used against drivers when they cause accidents and injure others.
Below are the top seven contributing factors and the number of crashes they were attributed to statewide in 2023:
- Speed – 159,287
- Distraction or Inattention – 95,825
- Unsafe Lane Change – 49,410
- Failed to Drive in Single Lane – 44,290
- Failed to Yield Turning Left – 36,509
- Failed to Stop – 31,327
- Following too Closely – 21,215
As the data suggests, most auto accidents are the result of someone failing to drive carefully or taking chances that put others at risk. Victims and their attorneys can use evidence, witness statements, and other documentation to build a robust case for compensation through insurance or a lawsuit. Doing so allows claimants to recover the costs they’ve incurred for injuries and consequences caused by the carelessness of others.
Houston’s ‘High Injury Network’
Certain areas of Houston are more prone to serious injury and fatal accidents. The latest High Injury Network (HIN) was developed with five years of TxDOT crash data from 2018 to 2022. The current HIN represents only 9% of the streets in Houston but accounts for 58% of the traffic-related deaths and serious injuries.
In 2023, Houston received over $10 million in federal grant money to improve safety for drivers and pedestrians in the HIN. The funds are split between two Houston management districts and are used for projects such as widening sidewalks and adding more pedestrian crossings and refuge areas.
Are Houston’s Roads Partly to Blame for Car Accidents?
Earlier this year, Click2Houston compiled a list of 25 of the worst byways in Houston and when they were scheduled for repair by the Houston Department of Public Works. Topping the list was St. Emanuel Street downtown between St. Joseph and Jefferson. The street is filled with massively cracked and uneven pavement strewn with potholes, making a motorist’s journey something of a treacherous amusement park ride.
Repairs on St. Emanuel Street are a joint project between TxDOT and the City of Houston, and there is no current start date for repairing this road. Many of the other streets on the list (such as Feldman Road, Navigation Boulevard, Emancipation Avenue, and Fuqua Street) are scheduled for repairs either in 2024 or 2025. Though the city is actively working to address the condition of its roads and improve driving safety, road repair means a lot of people and equipment working in congested traffic areas, which may increase the risk of accidents in the short term.
In a recent study, Fox26 Houston identified Houston as the country’s 4th worst city to drive in as ranked by drivers. The average daily commute time is among the longest in the nation at just over 30 minutes, with an average speed of only 16mph. Improving road conditions will help traffic move more safely throughout the city, but it may not do much to alleviate the congestion and problems associated with overcrowded roadways.
Vision Zero Houston – No More Traffic Deaths
Vision Zero is a strategy created in 2019 aimed at improving safety and eliminating death and serious injuries from traffic accidents. The State of Texas has a goal of zero deaths on its roads by 2050. The City of Houston has declared it would like to achieve zero traffic deaths within its borders by 2030.
Since 2020, Houston has received over $100 million in federal grant money to fund infrastructure projects that are consistent with Vision Zero goals. According to the latest Vision Zero annual report, Houston has achieved some success in reducing the numbers in areas where projects have been completed. Vision Zero is just one of the city’s tools for future transportation planning.
Results from the Vision Zero program have been moderate, prompting city leaders to take a step back and reconsider its place in the overall scheme for reducing auto accidents and deaths. Even with expected success, car accident victims of negligent drivers have legal options. They deserve representation by skilled car accident lawyers who will fully investigate their claims to identify all at-fault parties and hold them accountable.
Where to Get Help When You’re Injured in a Car Accident in Houston
Houston’s commitment to reducing deaths and serious injuries from car accidents is certainly a worthy goal, yet, it will take more than improved infrastructure to significantly reduce the number and nature of traffic accidents. Drivers must also do their part to pay attention, obey traffic laws, and not let their emotions get the best of them in frustrating situations.
The car accident lawyers at Dax F. Garza, P.C. are all too familiar with traffic accidents in Houston. They have years of experience representing clients who have been injured by the wrongful actions of other motorists. They are impassioned advocates and skilled negotiators with an impressive track record of obtaining successful results. If you have been injured in a car accident, contact Dax F. Garza, P.C., for a free case evaluation.